Teenage Spirit: Mark González

Digital collage illustrationa project about my youth heroes.
When I was 10 or 11 my parents got me my first skateboard. It was like riding a door with wheels. It was heavy, difficult to ride, had ugly colors. It was made by a guy who knew very little about skateboards but had tools to carve wood. At that time I started buying (whenever I could) Thrasher and Transworld Skateboarding magazine. I read and knew about the skateboarding world way more than the tricks I actually could pull off. So I feel in love with skateboarding’s culture. And many of my early youth heroes came from that scene. Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Steve Caballero, Tony Hawk (when he was super young), Tony Alva (he wasn’t that young anymore but still rocked)… and Mark González. Mark is somehow special because his board was be coolest of them all. My friend Vegas even got one of them and I was amazed just by having it close to me.

Years after, my skateboarding passion slowly faded and I shifted my interest to other things… such as zines and art. And at that time I met again my old hero Mark González. He was making amazing art and publishing zines. So definitely my youth hero number three in my Teen Spirit Series will be Mark. Here’s a tribute to this legendary crazy guy! 


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info (at) maxomatic.net

